FIFA Agent Exam

FIFA Agent Exam Practice Questions 2

FIFA Agent Exam, Football Agency, Informative

1. Who has exclusive jurisdiction to adjudicate on all conduct related to the manipulation of football matches or competitions? a. The Ethics Committee b. The FIFA Council c. The FIFA Disciplinary Committee d. The Court of Arbitration for Sport (CAS) 2. What is the maximum service fee a Football Agent can charge an Individual whose […]

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How to Pass the FIFA Agent Exam(with FIFA Agent Exam Practice Questions)

FIFA Agent Exam, Football Agency, Football Legal, Football Management, Informative

For many who dream about player representation in football, passing the FIFA Agent Exam is perhaps the biggest obstacle to becoming fully licensed FIFA agents. In fact, according to FIFA, while 6,586 people wrote the exam early last year, only 52% passed it. This troubling statistic raises a lot of fear about taking the examinations,

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