FIFA Agent Exam: Practice Questions 7

1. Which body is responsible for deciding disputes related to entitlement to training rewards and participation in the EPP review process? 

A. The FIFA Disciplinary Committee 

B. The Court of Arbitration for Sport 

C. The Dispute Resolution Chamber 

D. The FIFA Council

2. What is the limitation period for prosecuting breaches under the FIFA Code of Ethics?

A. 2 years

B. 5 years

C. 10 years

D. No limitation period

3. In the absence of the Football Tribunal (FT) chairperson, who deputizes?

A. The FIFA General Secretary

B. The chairperson of the Dispute Resolution Chamber (DRC) or Players’ Status Chamber (PSC)

C. The deputy chairperson of the Dispute Resolution Chamber (DRC)

D. The deputy chairperson of the Players’ Status Chamber (PSC)

4. Can FIFA lessen the minimum sanctions for discrimination? 

A. Yes, if the club/association develops a plan to prevent future incidents 

B. No, the minimum sanctions are always enforced 

C. Yes, if the club/association apologizes publicly 

D. No, unless the discrimination was unintentional 

5. What is the maximum number of clubs a player can be registered with in a single season?

A. 1

B. 2

C. 3

D. 4

6. What is the main purpose of the FIFA Football Agent Regulations (FFAR)? 

A. To promote the interests of football clubs 

B. To protect the rights of football players 

C. To regulate the activities of football agents within the international transfer system 

D. To increase the revenue generated by football transfers 

7. Which entity is responsible for appointing the chairperson of the Football Tribunal (FT)?

A. FIFA Congress

B. FIFA Council

C. Court of Arbitration for Sport (CAS)

D. Dispute Resolution Chamber (DRC)

8. What is the relationship between the FCH and FIFA? 

A. The FCH is a department within FIFA 

B. The FCH is a separate entity from FIFA

C. The FCH is a subsidiary of FIFA 

D. The FCH is a regulatory body overseeing FIFA’s financial activities

9. What is the role of the Football Agent Working Group? 

A. To investigate compliance with the FFAR 

B. To determine disputes arising from Representation Agreements 

C. To act as a permanent consultative body in Football Agent-related matters 

D. To sanction Football Agents or Clients violating FIFA regulations 

10. What is the combined maximum duration of both registration periods in a season, as per FIFA regulations?

A. 12 weeks

B. 16 weeks

C. 20 weeks

D. 24 weeks

11. For a first offense of discrimination by supporters, what is the minimum fine a club/association is liable to pay? 

A. CHF 5,000 

B. CHF 10,000 

C. CHF 15,000 

D. CHF 20,000 

12. Which of the following is not a right of member associations?

A. Participate in the Congress. 

B. Propose items for the Congress agenda. 

C. Nominate candidates for the FIFA presidency and Council. 

D. Veto decisions made by the Council. 

13. Who has the authority to decide on procedural rules and interpretations in cases of omissions or doubts regarding interpretation in the FIFA Code of Ethics?

A. The FIFA President

B. The FIFA Council

C. The Ethics Committee

D. The Court of Arbitration for Sport (CAS)

14. For which of the following competitions is the release of players mandatory, as per the Annexe to FIFA’s Regulations on the Status and Transfer of Players (RSTP)? 

A. Friendly matches 

B. FIFA Confederations Cup 

C. Club tournaments 

D. Training camps

15. What is the maximum duration of the first registration period in a season, as per FIFA regulations?

A. 4 weeks

B. 8 weeks

C. 12 weeks

D. 16 weeks

16. Under what condition can the adjudicatory chamber suspend a ban on football-related activity?

A. Upon payment of a fine

B. Upon completion of community service

C. Upon request, with a probationary period

D. Automatically after a certain period

17. When must players be released for final competitions, according to the Annexe to FIFA’s RSTP? 

A. The day before the competition starts. 

B. The Friday before the competition starts. 

C. The Monday the week before the competition starts. 

D. The Sunday the week before the competition starts.

18. How is a motion to close discussion handled? 

A. It is debated and voted on like any other proposal. 

B. It is automatically approved without a vote. 

C. It is voted on immediately without debate. 

D. It is referred to a committee for further consideration. 

19. How many continental confederations does FIFA recognize?

A. Four 

B. Five 

C. Six 

D. Seven

20. Who chairs the Congress if the President is unavailable? 

A. The Secretary-General 

B. The longest-serving vice-president 

C. A Council member elected by the Congress 

D. The chair of the FIFA Disciplinary Committee 


  1. C (Article 18.2, Page 315, FIFA Agent Exam Study Material)
  2. B (Article 13.1, Page 117, FIFA Agent Exam Study Material)
  3. B (Article 4.6, Page 260, FIFA Agent Exam Study Material)
  4. A (Article 15.3, Page 62, FIFA Agent Exam Study Material)
  5. C (Article 5.3, Page 167, FIFA Agent Exam Study Material)
  6.  C (Article 1.1, Page 329, FIFA Agent Exam Study Material)
  7. B (Article 4.1, Page 259, FIFA Agent Exam Study Material)
  8. B (Article 3.1, Page 293, FIFA Agent Exam Study Material) 
  9. C (Article 25, Page 358, FIFA Agent Exam Study Material)
  10. B (Article 6.2, Page 169, FIFA Agent Exam Study Material)
  11. D (Article 15.2, Page 62, FIFA Agent Exam Study Material)
  12. D (Article 13.1, Page 14, FIFA Agent Exam Study Material)
  13. C (Article 4.2, Page 112, FIFA Agent Exam Study Material)
  14. B (Article 1.2, Page 206, FIFA Agent Exam Study Material)
  15. C (Article 6.2, Page 169, FIFA Agent Exam Study Material)
  16. C (Article 8, Page 115, FIFA Agent Exam Study Material)
  17. C (Article 1.7, Page 207, FIFA Agent Exam Study Material)
  18. C (Article 8.2, Page 46, FIFA Agent Exam Study Material)
  19. C (Article 22.1, Page 18, FIFA Agent Exam Study Material)
  20. B (Article 2.1, Page 45, FIFA Agent Exam Study Material)

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